Free Beacon Videos

Rokita: I'm Not Going to Put Up With Obama's Sequester Antics

'I hope at the end of the day I can say, Congratulations, Mr. President, you're finally doing your job after five years'

February 28, 2013

Farewell Favs

Obama’s voice set to do Hollywood

February 28, 2013

Ryan: Woodward Is Right, Obama Moved Goalposts

GOP Rep: Closing tax loopholes to fix sequester will kill tax reform

February 28, 2013

Rand Paul Explains His Vote to Confirm Hagel

Paul: I don't know if Hagel will be a good Sec. Def.

February 27, 2013

Hannity and Ellison Throw Down

After six minutes of nearly nonstop interrupting, Hannity declares Minnesota Dem 'total waste of time'

February 26, 2013

O'Reilly to Rubio: How to Drink on Live TV

O'Reilly gives some playful advice to Sen. Rubio

February 26, 2013

Michigan Dem Facing Eviction for Bouncing Check to Landlord

Banks has eight felony convictions from 1998 to 2004 for credit card fraud, writing bad checks

February 26, 2013