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Carney Fails To Defend Fisker, Admin's Green Energy Failures

W.H. Spokesman: 'The broad array of investments have been positive and necessary’

O'Donnell Angry Baucus Voted Way Montana Wanted on Gun Control

MSNBC host: 'Cowardly' Baucus left Montana's other Dem Senator hanging

Freed Ricin Suspect Gives Bizarre CNN Interview

Calls his lawyer the 'Lion Queen,' told Feds 'I'm not a rice lover'

Graham Delivers Impassioned Defense of Drone Usage

'The one mistake I will not tolerate is the mistake of believing we're not at war'

Grassley: FBI, DHS Screwed Up

'Does the left hand of government know what the right hand is doing?'

CNN Interviews Terrorist Sympathizers

Former McVeigh lawyer calls idea of case being slam dunk against Tsarnaev 'arrogant nonsense'