Geraldo's Smart Take
‘You can take the kid out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the kid’
June 21, 2013
MSNBC Guest: Food Stamps Why U.S. Doesn't Have 'Mass Starvation'
'The reason we're not Somalia or Haiti or North Korea is the program's working'
June 19, 2013
Krauthammer: Clinton Is 'Eminently Defeatable' in 2016
'Can somebody name one achievement she had in the four years [as Secretary of State]?'
June 18, 2013
Proposed 'Polercoaster' in Vegas Would be World's Tallest
'It goes very high, so you get an enormous amount of thrill from a very small amount of space'
June 18, 2013
AP Reporter Puzzled by Psaki's Circular Reasoning on Afghan-Taliban Peace Talks
Psaki, Lee have exchange about difference between 'negotiations' and 'end goals'
June 18, 2013