Matthews: Obama Doesn't Have 'Key Political Asset'
'The ability to sit in a room with four or five other people and have them accept your leadership...Obama doesn't have that'
August 20, 2013
Matthews: Please Adjust Your Evening Schedule and Watch 'The Show of My Dreams'
'Hardball' host compares his 'big ask' to a marriage proposal
August 19, 2013
McCain: U.S. Has 'No Credibility' in Egypt
'With Apache helicopters flying overhead, nothing is more symbolic of the United States of America siding with the generals'
August 18, 2013
Kristol: Egyptian Violence Highlights U.S. Weakness in Middle East
'We're not taken as seriously as we should be'
August 18, 2013
Psaki Won't Answer if Egyptian Military Killing Civilians with U.S. Weapons
Jake Tapper calls out State Department spokeswoman
August 16, 2013