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Rubio: Syria a 'Vital National Interest'

'This is a reminder of what happens when we ignore the world, when we look inwards and we ignore these problems, they only get worse and more difficult to solve.'

September 3, 2013

Kerry: Iran Is Hoping U.S. 'Looks the Other Way' on Syria

Sec. of State on chemical weapons: U.S. needs to send message to enemies and allies, 'never means never'

September 3, 2013

Pelosi Pledges Support For Use of Force In Syria

'I don't think that congressional authorization is necessary'

September 3, 2013

Boehner Says He'll Back Obama on Syria Strikes

'The use of these weapons has to be responded to'

September 3, 2013

Rogers on Syria: 'This Isn't a Reality TV Show'

'People will lose their lives [...] nations moving forward will make decisions on chemical and biological weapons based on what we do here'

September 1, 2013

John Kerry Makes Case for U.S. Action in Syria

Sec. of State says American intel community has 'high confidence' Assad responsible for chemical attacks