Free Beacon Videos

Carney: 'The Website Has Been Functional; It's Just Been Poorly Functional'

'If you're asking me will enrollment be low, the answer is yes because that was always going to be the case'

October 31, 2013

Leno: It's 'Trick or Treatment' at the White House

'What is it about selling insurance that makes people liars?'

October 31, 2013

Piers Morgan on Obama's Promise: 'That Was Just a Lie, Wasn't It? A Complete and Utter Falsehood'

Morgan: 'We'll continue this debate, I'm sure, as the excuses get ever more ludicrous'

October 30, 2013

Van Jones: Obama 'Will Pay a Price ... In Terms of His Credibility and Standing'

Anderson Cooper calls out Jones: 'If it was Republicans saying that, wouldn't you say it was a lie?'

October 30, 2013

CBS: Early Tests of Obamacare Website Were All Unsuccessful

Report contradicts testimony from CMS Admin. Marilyn Tavenner

October 30, 2013

O'Reilly: Obamacare Will Sink Obama's Presidency

'I don't think they know what they are doing'

October 30, 2013

Rubio: Delay Obamacare's Individual Mandate Until Exchanges Properly Running

'If we begin to argue around here that once something is existing law it can never be changed, we might as well close up shop because that's what we do'

October 30, 2013