Free Beacon Sean Eldridge

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TNR Owner Raises Cash for Hillary, Who Backed Husband’s Campaign

At the last minute, Clinton backed Sean Eldridge’s doomed congressional run. Now Eldridge and his husband are fundraising for her

June 3, 2015
Chris Gibson

Public Radio Station Lashes Out at GOP Congressman

Tells career Army officer to get a ‘real job… and not live off the taxpayers money’

October 1, 2014
Sean Eldridge

Eldridge Rips ‘Unpatriotic’ Burger King Tax Inversion as Husband Invests in Tim Horton's

Husband owns stock in Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, which helped finance the move

August 27, 2014

Sean Eldridge on Defense in New Ads

Facebook founder’s Dem husband pushes back against carpet-bagging, election-buying allegations

August 19, 2014