The Latest

Former Soros Foundation Official Accused of Indoctrinating Columbia Students To Hate Israel

Ivy League school promoted Kayum Ahmed after he called Jews oppressors

March 11, 2024

Alex Soros Met With Jake Sullivan Days Before His Dad Gave $350K to Biden

Soros's Open Society Foundations has suggested Israel commits war crimes

March 1, 2024

Soros-Funded Center for American Progress: Leave Hamas Alone

After demanding ceasefire, think tank calls for longer deal that would embolden Hamas

November 22, 2023

This 'Grassroots' Anti-Israel Group Is Actually Part of a Left-Wing Dark Money Behemoth

The Adalah Justice Project is part of the Tides Center's web of progressive activist groups

October 27, 2023

George and Alex Soros Max Out to Israel-Hating Congresswoman

‘Squad’ member Pramila Jayapal called Israel a ‘racist state’ in an address to Palestinian activists

July 25, 2023

George Soros’s Son Spent July 4th with European Leader Linked to FBI Bribery Case

Soros and former president Bill Clinton met with Albanian prime minister Edi Rama

July 7, 2023