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Mississippi Gubernatorial Hopeful Quietly Deletes Photo From Private Plane After Decrying Private Plane Travel

Brandon Presley suggested politicians who use private planes to campaign are not on 'the side of the people'

September 20, 2023

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Lied About 'Record' Job Gains, Stats Show

Fewer Kentuckians are working now than when Dem governor took office

June 16, 2023

Prominent Liberal Sheila Jackson Lee Is No Shoo-In for Houston Mayor, Poll Shows

14-term congresswoman's hostility toward police could prove liability in crime-focused race

May 26, 2023

Kentucky Republicans Who Backed Black Candidate May Have 'Racist Intent,' Liberal Columnist Argues

Courier Journal's Joseph Gerth says Daniel Cameron is out of touch with black people

May 25, 2023

Beshear Appointee Scrubs Tweets That Called Kentucky Voters Homophobic Bigots

'If you support Trump you're a bigot. Just claim it,' left-wing writer Silas House said in 2019

May 18, 2023

What's the Matter With Wisconsin?

Column: The GOP's suburban problem

April 7, 2023

Meet the 'Defund the Police' Advocate Chicago Just Elected To Deal With Its Crime Spike

Chicagoans voted out Mayor Lori Lightfoot over surging crime. They replaced her with someone who called 'defund the police' a 'real political goal.'

April 5, 2023