A new ad released by Republican senate candidate Ed Gillespie hammered Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) for attempting to bribe a Virginia politician with a judgeship position for his daughter.
The ad shows a series of news reports on Warner's alleged offer of a federal judgeship to the daughter of Virginia state senator Phillip Puckett to keep him in the senate and maintain a Democratic majority.
Gillespie suggested Warner's practice of quid pro quo is symptomatic of the senator's time in Washington.
"Washington's changed Mark Warner," Gillespie said. "I'd never play politics with a lifetime appointment to the federal bench."
Warner has continually denied that he made an offer to Puckett's daughter, Martha Puckett Ketron, and insists he merely "explored possible options" with Puckett's son, Joseph.
"We need to change Washington," Gillespie said. "We can't afford six more years of the last six years."