Reid: New York Times Shows Need for Pay Equality Legislation

Senate Democrats pay female staffers less than male staffers

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) took the New York Times' firing of executive editor Jill Abramson to the Senate floor on Thursday as an example for why Congress needs to pass new pay discrimination legislation. He could have just used the examples set by his fellow Senate Democrats.

"What kind of example are we setting here when a woman who does the same work as a man doesn’t get the same amount of money?" said Reid on Thursday, referencing reports that Abramson was fired after she inquired about her compensation being lower than that of her male predecessor.

Reid's colleagues on his side of the aisle are setting the the same example. An analysis of Senate Democrat salary figures for the fiscal year 2013 showed that the average salary for a woman was more than $5,500 below the average salary for a man on office staffs.

Men received the higher average salary in more than two thirds of Senate Democrat offices.

Reid's Senate Democrats were guilty of the same thing in previous years, according to a separate analysis.