NY Times Writers on Hillary Book: It Shows How Low Our Bar Is For News

On the eve of the release of Hillary Clinton’s much-hyped memoir, Mark Leibovich, Amy Chozick and Brian Stelter discussed the PR strategy surrounding its launch on CNN’s Reliable Sources.

New York Times writer Amy Chozick joked that Clinton's book release and is garnering too much attention stating, "It shows how low our bar is for news."

"I completely agree with the low bar thing," fellow Times writer Mark Leibovich added.

Last week, the Free Beacon reported Clinton’s closest aides blasted the New York Times for what they said was unfair coverage of the former first lady during a recent secret meeting with the paper’s Washington bureau.

During the closed-door gathering, Clinton aides reportedly griped about the paper’s coverage of the potential 2016 candidate, arguing that Clinton has left public office and should not be subjected to harsh scrutiny, according to a source familiar with the discussions.