Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) launched a new television campaign ad Thursday morning titled "Even More" that outlines his bipartisan efforts in Congress.
The ad is airing in Chicago on broadcast and cable networks and debuts the senator’s new slogan, "Mark Kirk, courageous and independent," highlighting his ranking as "one of the most bipartisan senators."
The ad touts Kirk’s support of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, his dedication to protecting a woman’s right to choose, and his refusal to support presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump to show his bipartisanship.
The video also highlights footage of Kirk’s difficult road to a full recovery after suffering a stroke. Kirk promised after his near-death experience that he would come back even stronger and more dedicated to his home state of Illinois.
Kirk is running for re-election and will face Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D., Ill.) in the general election in November.