Freedom Partners Action Fund released a new ad Wednesday slamming embattled Sen. Mary Landrieu for supporting the Obamacare and highlighting comments from its now infamous architect, Jonathan Gruber, who said "lack of transparency" and "the stupidity of the American voter" were "critical" in passing the unpopular and deceptive health care law.
The ad, entitled "Deception," is part of a multi-million dollar advertising campaign and serves as a sign that Gruber's comments are resonating with American voters.
"Senator Mary Landrieu sold Obamacare to us the Washington way--with false promises and deception," the narrator said. "And Obamacare's chief architect admits it."
The ad replays clips from Gruber's condescending comments on the "stupidity" of American voters and points out that Landrieu has claimed she would vote for Obamacare again.
"After 18 years in Washington, it's time for Mary Landrieu to go," the narrator said.