Gary King Posts Story Attacking Martinez as the Wicked Witch of the West

Democrat’s social media woes continue

Democratic candidate for governor of New Mexico Gary King linked to a blog post on his Facebook page that attacks Gov. Susana Martinez as "stupid," and features a poorly executed photoshop depicting the female Republican as a witch.

On Friday, King posted an article from "" entitled, "We MUST Fight: 4 More Reasons NOT To Vote For Susana Martinez." "Let's use the power of social media to counter her massive amounts of money," King wrote.

The post attacks Martinez as "stupid" for opposing a minimum wage increase, and calls the Governor a "good Koch Brothers soldier" who "will make the poor even poorer."

The article then displays a photoshop of Martinez as the Wicked Witch of the West, with children cowering in fear.

The author of the post cites a poll that finds Martinez with a 9-point lead over King.

"WHY??? How can any person in their right mind vote for her?" the author, "John," writes. "I have decided to continue the attack in hopes that the People will rise up and defeat Susana this year."

He continues:

The recent poll scares the hell out of me and the expected low voter turnout is just as demoralizing. BUT we can do something about it. We may not have $5 million dollars of Koch Brothers and Big Oil money to spend brainwashing the general public.


What we do have is the power of social media. It is free and easy to use. Continue to fight her by developing an online war that she cannot defeat with money. If we spread the truth and energize voters, WE WILL WIN!!

King has already had his share of social media troubles. In June he hired a campaign manager, Steve Verzwyvelt, with a history of making offensive comments about women on Twitter, including statements like, "Just got eye banged by a big girl. That’s my signal that’s it’s time to go."

Verzwyvelt was fired a day later, following the Washington Free Beacon’s report. The campaign also likely bought fake Twitter followers, after his account gained 1,000 in just a week. Many of them also follow "Free Porn Videos."