CBS: Obamacare Causing People To Lose Their Insurance

New insurance prices are shockingly high

October 28, 2013

Almost five weeks after its launch, the Obamacare woes continue to add up. Jan Crawford  explained the newest regressions on CBS This Morning.

On Sunday, the Obama administration blamed website glitches on Verizon Terremark. They reiterated their end of November deadline to resolve website glitches.

The problems with Obamacare are not just limited to website problems. They also extend to insurance cancellation notices and soaring insurance rates for the new plans.  This is in contradiction to the lofty promises made by the Obama administration at the health exchange’s inception.

Obama famously touted that "If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that from you." This is not the case, however. Americans are losing their current health insurance plans because they do not comply with the stringent regulations set forth by Obamacare.

Kaiser Permanente, in California, dropped 160,000 policies. Florida has at least 300,000 discontinued policies.  Diane Barrett is one such example. Last month, she was notified that as of January 2014, she will lose her current insurance plan. She pays $54 for her current plan, but will be forced to pay $591 for her new plan.

Published under: Kathleen Sebelius