Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry took off the gloves to attack President Obama’s foreign policy.
The potential 2016 presidential candidate criticized Obama for not standing with Israel, and for publicly condemning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu.
"You have this president who has had reckless foreign policy," Perry said.
"This is another message to our allies: You have to have an odd relationship with this administration if they're going to support you. Most of our allies are very concerned that this administration will not be there if they get in a ringer, whatever that may be."
Perry echoed the worry of many experts that Obama will accept less-than-favorable terms only to add to his personal foreign policy legacy.
"All this seems to go back to Iran and him wanting to get a deal with Iran," Perry said. "He's willing to trade practically anything to get that deal. It's putting every other country in jeopardy."
Perry demanded more transparency from the Iran negotiations.
"We need to know what’s going on, and the American people need to know," Perry said.