Price Calls for Ingram to Step Back from IRS Oversight Role

Price to Menendez: 'Good attempt to change the subject'

Rep. Tom Price (R., Ga.) called on Sarah Hall Ingram to step back from her position overseeing the agency's enforcement of Obamacare until a thorough investigation was conclude, given her involvement at the IRS during the targeting of conservative tax-exempt groups.

Price also rebuked Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) for not answering ABC host George Stephanopoulos' question about American trust of IRS oversight over Obamacare on "This Week" Sunday:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you believe that the American people, given what's happened here with the IRS, is going to trust IRS oversight of the president's health care plan?

MENENDEZ: First of all, they have a part of the entire health care act, and that oversight will be done by our respective committees as well as the Health, Education and Labor committee. And what's most important is not to have 37 votes in the House of Representatives to repeal the president's health care law, which means 37 votes to stop millions of young people from being on their parents' insurance or being able to have them not be discriminated because of pre-existing conditions. That didn't pursue any effort to improve health care in the nation.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Your response, Congressman Price?

PRICE: Good attempt to change the subject. The fact of the matter is this is about trust. Sarah Hall Ingram, who was in charge of the tax-exempt division at the IRS between 2009 and 2012, the exact time of this challenge and affront to the American people, is now in charge of instituting and regulating and determining whether or not the IRS is doing the appropriate things as it relates to the ACA, the president's health care law. Remember, the IRS is the enforcement arm for the president's health care law.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you think she has to go?

PRICE: I think she at least has to step back until we at least until we get to the bottom of this.

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