Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell continued the push for new sanctions on Iran during his opening remarks Wednesday, saying that the Senate needed to "hold Iran accountable".
The bill, introduced by Sens. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), has broad bipartisan support however, Senate Majority Harry Reid has thus far refused to bring the bill to the floor, at the insistence of the Obama administration.
McConnell called out Reid for obstructing the vote on the bill despite its bipartisan support. "A strong bipartisan majority has sought to pass legislation here in the Senate that puts teeth into the negotiations that have followed November’s interim agreement," McConnell said. "The challenge we’ve had is the Majority Leader doesn’t want us to vote on it. Perhaps he’s afraid it’ll actually pass."
"He's gridlocking the Senate," McConnell continued. "He’s preventing the Senate from working its will on a bill that enjoys broad bipartisan support, and makes elementary good sense and is the best hope we have to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran."
"Let’s hold Iran accountable, actually accountable," McConnell pressed. "The clock is ticking, Mr. President, and the time to act is now."