Iran Hangs Woman in Front of Daughters

Accused men let off the hook

A 40-year-old woman sentenced to "retribution" in Iran was hanged in front of her daughters earlier this week, while four other accused men charged with murder received a pardon, according to a human rights group.

The woman identified as Behjat was sentenced to death for the alleged murder of her husband 10 years ago. She was hanged before an audience that included her two daughters, according to the group Iran Human Rights, which tracks human rights situation in Iran.

"One of the daughters was crying and calling for her mother, while the other daughter was asking for her execution," according to IHR. "The execution was finally carried out by the victims father, Behjat’s father in law."

At the same time, "the executions of four other prisoners charged with murder was stopped as they were pardoned by the families of the victims," according to the report.

Published under: Iran