IDF Launches Strikes on Syrian Border

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have launched strikes on the Syrian border after a 14-year-old Israeli boy was killed on Sunday following a rocket attack, according to reports.

The Israeli boy is the first to be killed along the Israeli-Syrian border since hostilities increased last year, according to American Values:

The teen, Muhammad Fahmi Krakara, was accompanying his father, a contract worker for the Defense Ministry doing maintenance work on the border fence in the Golan Heights. They were in a truck with two other contract workers when the vehicle was hit by a projectile fired from Syria at around 11:30 A.M.

A senior Israel Defense Forces officer said the missile appeared to have been fired directly at the truck. Although the Syrian rebels control that portion of the border, it still isn’t clear who perpetrated the attack, he said.

The IDF responded with tank fire aimed at the Syrian regime forces’ positions across the border. Israel has said in the past that it holds Damascus responsible for any fire emanating from Syrian territory.

Published under: Israel , Syria