Here’s Where to Find the Pro-Jihadist Forces in the Middle East

To clear up some of the confusion about what is going on in the Middle East with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Breitbart released a map of where pro-jihadist and anti-jihadist forces are as well as which countries are currently at war.

Breitbart reports:

Wars are never simple. With the incredible success of the terrorist group ISIS, now called the Islamic State, and the recent news that Egypt and UAE have engaged in air strikes against the jihadists in Syria, Breitbart News has decided to cut away some of the fog of war and explain who stands where in this latest Holy War for the future of the Middle East and North Africa.


Image: John Sexton
Image: John Sexton

You can find a breakdown of the list over at Breitbart.

Published under: Islamic State