Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich is adjusting to his new life in prison, Fox Chicago reports:
Ever since Rod Blagojevich reported to the Englewood Federal Correctional Center outside Denver five and a half weeks ago, it's as if he vanished from the face of the Earth. Nothing has been heard about his life behind bars.
But on Sunday, FOX Chicago News learned exclusively that Illinois' former governor is now washing pots and pans, and could soon be teaching Shakespeare and Greek mythology to other inmates.
That's what we heard Sunday from Sam Adam Jr. and his father, Sam Adam Sr., who spent 90 minutes with Blagojevich inside the prison Sunday morning. "All things considered, he looked good, he's still got a headful of hair, it's gone from black to brown, not gray, as everyone predicted," Sam Jr. told Fox Chicago News. "It's gone from black to brown but he looks good."