20 Areas Removed from Imminent Danger Pay List

The Defense Department removed 20 locations from its imminent danger pay list. The removal will go into effect on June 1 and will potentially affect tens of thousands of troops, Military Times reports.

As of that date, service members deployed to these areas no longer will qualify for the $225 monthly imminent danger stipend. The change would affect thousands serving on land or on ships in those areas. […]

Those locations that no longer will be designated as imminent danger areas are:

■ The four water areas of the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, and the Red Sea.

■ The water area and air space above the Persian Gulf.

■ The six land areas and air space above Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, and Montenegro.

■ The nine land areas of East Timor, Liberia, Haiti, Oman, Rwanda, Tajikistan, United Arab Emirates, Kyrgystan, and Uzbekistan.

Published under: Department of Defense