Woman Pulls Gun on Comcast Worker Over Unknown Fee

Customer service from Comcast has gotten so bad that a New Mexico woman pulled a gun on a technician who was charging her a fee she did not know about, according to United Press International.

A New Mexico woman is accused of pulling a gun on a Comcast employee after he informed her about some fees that she didn't know about.

A Comcast serviceman allegedly went to Gloria Baca-Lucero's Albuquerque home to complete some work and before getting started, he told her there was a fee.

Baca-Lucero said she thought it would be free, got upset and called customer service. When the fee was confirmed, Baca-Lucero still refused to pay and the worker started putting his tools away.

The suspect then grabbed one of his bags and took it in her house, the Albuquerque Journal reported. When he went to get it back, she pulled out a black handgun and pointed it at his torso.

Earlier this month a recording of a man trying to cancel his Comcast service went viral with the promise that listening to it "will drive you insane."

"If Dante’s Inferno had been written today, an extra circle of hell would be dedicated to dealings with cable providers," wrote Laura Stampler of Time.

Published under: Comcast