Perdue Aide Charged with Taking Illegal Payments

A former aide to North Carolina Democratic governor Beverly Perdue pleaded not guilty Monday to felony charges of taking secret salary payments from illegal campaign donations.

Julia Leigh Sitton is accused of receiving secret salary payments while working on the governor’s 2008 campaign.

The AP reports:

Sitton was indicted on two felony charges in November, accused of accepting $32,000 in unreported salary payments from illegal campaign donations. Former Perdue fundraising chairman Peter Reichard of Greensboro pleaded guilty in December to funneling the secret payments to Sitton through his company.

A third person with close ties to Perdue, longtime family friend Trawick "Buzzy" Stubbs, entered a not guilty plea last week to charges that he provided his private plane to the campaign for several flights that weren't properly reported on campaign finance reports.


Published under: Crime Blotter