Locked in a tough primary challenge, Jesse Jackson Jr. appears to be relying on Photoshop to save his political career.
His campaign recently erected a billboard that depicts Jackson and the president posing together. The only caveat: the picture is Photoshopped, according to a report on Chicago’s NBC 5 News.
What’s more, Jackson is turning to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for inspiration as he tries to fight back against a Democratic primary challenge by former Congresswoman Debbie Halvorson.
"To those who say the upside is gone, I look at Newt Gingrich and I am motivated and inspired what I could become," Jackson told reporters.
Jackson said that he remains optimistic about the race.
"When I think about those who tripped and stumbled and bounced back—we measure champions not by how quickly they get knocked down, but how quickly they get up. And so, this too shall pass."