The owner of a local pub in Steele City, Nebraska is all for building the Keystone XL Pipeline, NBC reported this morning on Meet the Press:
KEVIN TIBBLES: No one's ever struck oil in Steele City, but an awful lot of it sure passes through. Four pipelines already converge on the outskirts. And a fifth the proposed Keystone XL would bring Canadian crude south en route to the U.S. refineries.
TOWN WOMAN: The ones that have been came through and built have been good business. like as far as calling in ahead of time saying "can I have 40 lunches. Can you have them ready at 12:10?" It's been a good business having them come through.
TIBBLES: And she's all for the pipeline.
TOWN WOMAN: It does boost the economy for everyone around here. Me, my employees, that might mean difference in an employee getting a new car. Might mean a new air conditioning system for the tavern or I might be able to have a vacation.
Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline is estimated to generate $1.8 billion of economic activity in Nebraska alone and $134.6 million in state and local levies.