Update, February 22, 2012 at 2:23 p.m.: Rufus Gifford, National Finance Director of Obama for America, sent out a follow-up email this afternoon, writing, "You'd be crazy not to at least give this a shot." He cites an example of a previous winner:
Consider this: A couple months ago, Scott, a firefighter and dad from Georgia, opened an email about having dinner with the President. He pitched in a few dollars to support the campaign, figuring "Why not?"
Weeks later, the President was offering him a french fry from across the table.
For a donation of $2 or less, supporters of President Obama could win dinner with their idol.
"Donate $2 or whatever you can today to be automatically entered for the chance to be my first dinner guest," Obama states in a campaign fundraising note sent yesterday.
"These meals are one simple thing that sets this campaign apart," the letter states. "The seats at our table don't belong to any Washington lobbyist or powerful interest."
Earlier this month, the president sat down for a $35,800-per-person dinner with his allies on Wall Street.