Caitlyn Jenner Comes Out In Favor of Same-Sex Marriage

Caitlyn Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner / AP
September 15, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner clarified her support of same-sex marriage in a blog post Monday in the wake of the finale of I Am Cait, a reality television show chronicling the celebrity’s transition from male to female.

"Like many people, there was a time when I didn’t realize how important it is for gay couples to have the right to get married," Caitlyn, formerly Bruce, wrote. "But after hearing from my gay friends and learning more about the hardships they faced because of discrimination, it became clear to me that everyone should be able to marry the person they love."

The former Olympic athlete clarified remarks she made during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres earlier this month during which she appeared to waver in support of gay marriage.

"I mean, I like tradition and it’s always been between a man and a woman and I’m thinking I don’t quite get it," Jenner told DeGeneres, who herself is gay and married to a woman, actress Portia de Rossi. "But as time goes on, like a lot of people on this issue, I’ve really changed thinking here to, ‘I don’t ever want to stand in front of anybody’s happiness. That’s not my job. OK. If that word marriage is really, really that important to you I can go with it.’"

The Sept. 8 televised interview with DeGeneres was Jenner’s first since emerging as her transgender self on the cover of Vanity Fair earlier this summer.

Jenner began a public gender transition after coming out to Diane Sawyer as a transgender woman in April. During the same interview, Jenner also identified as a Republican.

While being a role model for the transgender community, Jenner is also ensnared in a case probing a fatal four-car accident in which she played a role in February. The reality TV star could face a misdemeanor manslaughter charge for her involvement in the crash.