6 Obamacare Error Messages

President Obama told Americans Tuesday to expect months of "glitches" with the launch of the Affordable Care Act exchanges. So far, the exchanges have delivered.

Users who tried logging onto the online exchange systems Tuesday morning experienced all manner of difficulties:

1. System outages

2. More system outages

Kentucky's Kynect experienced downtime Tuesday morning.
Kentucky's Kynect experienced downtime Tuesday morning.

3. A broken "live chat" feature

4. Broken forms

Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering could not get the exchange security forms to work.
Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering could not get the exchange security forms to work.

The Washing Examiner's Charlie Spiering experienced immense difficulties trying to create an account through the exchanges.

5. Broken drop-down menus on working forms

6. Gibberish


Published under: Obamacare