Tennessee Man Builds ‘Jurassic Park’ in Backyard

A good natured, Jurassic Park lovin’ Tennessee man has transformed his backyard from a regular sod and tree area into a dinosaur lovers’ paradise.

Chris Kastner is the owner of Backyard Terrors and Dinosaur Park.

"I started because I wanted my own life size dinosaur. I couldn’t afford one or get one anywhere else, so I had to build one," Kastner told reporters.

The can’t-miss, so-real-they’re-scary figures include the famed T-Rex. "We started working on his head in August of last year. I built the foam core for it and built it up, so it’s taken a long, long time," Kastner said with a hearty chuckle.

He explained further, "The teeth in our T-Rex were cast off real Tyrannosaurus Rex teeth. They have the sharp ridges like a steak knife- you can see all along the edges of them."

As for the appeal of Backyard Terrors and Dinosaur Park? "You can see life sized dinosaurs, something they [visitors] would have to travel hours away anywhere else to go see, and here they can get that experience, not even having to leave their own backyard or my backyard," Kastner said.

Published under: Tennessee