In Hurricane Harvey Tweet, Olbermann Calls DeVos a 'Motherf***er'

Keith Olbermann / Getty
August 28, 2017

GQ correspondent and left-wing provocateur Keith Olbermann unleashed some profanity at Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on Saturday.

DeVos tweeted out her support for victims of Hurricane Harvey on Saturday afternoon, noting that the Department of Education "stands ready to assist impacted schools."


An hour and a half later, Olbermann responded, writing, "The hurricane is going to do less damage to schools than you are, Motherfucker."

Olbermann did not apologize for the curse until Monday afternoon, then taking the opportunity to plug his book.

"I apologize without reservation to @BetsyDeVosED for the gutter language. I'll reserve it for people who truly deserve it," he wrote.

Attached to the tweet was a promotional image for his upcoming book, Trump is F*cking Crazy.

Olbermann is known for his extreme dislike of President Donald Trump and his administration. Recently, he retweeted a misleading series of screenshots seeming to show Trump spurning a disabled child.

"About Trump, this is mortifying, revelatory. OTOH, I'm somebody who shook his damnable hand. The child is fortunate he didn't touch the evil," he tweeted at the time.