CNN's Jake Tapper livened up a slow afternoon of cable news with a pretty funny sex joke in the aftermath of Steve Harvey's flub at Sunday's Miss Universe Awards.
The clip of Harvey first announcing Miss Colombia had won the pageant, then having to correct himself and reveal the true winner was Miss Philippines, has gone viral. Harvey profusely apologized, but the Internet lit up with memes of Harvey potentially messing up other announcements.
Tapper played the video Monday on The Lead, then remarked, "D'oh! I mean, who hasn't yelled out the wrong name at the most inappropriate time before, am I right?"
It appeared to be a clear reference to those infamous situations where a man or woman in the, er, throes of passion, has called out a name other than their partner's. This mistake has been known to lead to violence from the offended party.
Tapper credited a staffer on The Lead for feeding him the line. The Free Beacon salutes him.
@DavidRutz You can blame or credit @saleebyr for that line. My saying it was an Christmas present to him.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 21, 2015