Biden, Not House Broken

MICHELLE OBAMA: No, he’s a very sweet dog. I’m not being biased; he’s really a good dog. He’s very well-mannered, he’s very even-tempered, he has a very busy schedule--I mean, appearances. We’re thinking about getting him an agent.

LETTERMAN: Again, none of my business, but I have a dog myself. You can kind of get into, let me just say, digestive rhythm of the dog.


LETTERMAN: When it’s time for Bo to—how does that happen?

OBAMA: Do his business?


OBAMA: He goes out. The girls take him out, there are a number of people who are willing to take him out. He usually will tell you—I know, I know, he doesn’t talk. He will come up and put his paw on your leg, and he kind of nudges you. Then you’re like, "What do you want?" And he gets excited. You say, "You want to go out?" And then he starts barking. He’s very smart.

LETTERMAN: Is this what Biden does?

Published under: Joe Biden