Samantha Hoopes has come a long way from her humble beginnings in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania (We Are). Ever since she landed a coveted spot on this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue rookie roster, she’s been on the 365-day grind of jetting across the globe to wear microscopic bikinis. She's a hard worker.

With Samantha, the hustle never stops. She's working nonstop, even before bed time.

Her latest destination: the island nation of Mauritius.
Yeah, I never heard of it before today either.

If this swim smoke gig fizzles out, Samantha could find a second career as a travel agent.

However, I can’t see that happening anytime soon.
Maybe she could find work as a CPA?

Mauritius is a parliamentary representative democracy. The Heritage Foundation has even highlighted that their judicial system is fair and their government transparent, and has ranked the country as the eighth-freest economy in the world. Even better, Mauritius is also one of Africa's least corrupt countries.
Samantha sure knows how to pick winners, both in shoot locations and in snacks.

Mauritius does garner some scrutiny, however, because its low tax rates are said to divert businesses from continental African governments.
The term for that complaint? "Sucks to suck."

Samantha utilizes all modes of transportation to wander the world.

In life and on the sand volleyball court, she just keeps it moving.