The dirty little secret of the American higher education system is that it does not matter where you attend school for your undergraduate degree.
Business Insider did yeoman’s work by averaging the Princeton Review’s rankings into a point system. When you boil it down, a university’s fun factor correlates directly with how much alcohol the student body consumes. Ergo my credentials as the WFB’s bro-spondent.
20. University of Notre Dame
19. University of Missouri
18. University of Wisconsin – Madison
17. Virginia Tech
16. University of Kansas
15. University of Mississippi
14. DePaul University
13. University of Georgia
12. Lehigh University
11. Kansas State University
10. University of California, Santa Barbara
9. Ohio University
8. Florida State University
7. University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign
6. Clemson University
5. West Virginia University
4. Syracuse University
3. University of Florida
2. University of Iowa
1. Pennsylvania State University-University Park