If anyone has ever doubted the popularity of capitalism, I’d like to direct them to countless number of contestants from the greater Los Angles area guessing the price of a toaster oven on "The Price is Right." For over 50 years, contestants have made absolute clowns of themselves by estimating the prices for cars, boats, and vacations.
This week alone, the show has witnessed wedding proposals and near-death experiences.
Contestant Kalyn Allen pulled a Ted Beneke when she slipped and speared announcer George Gary right in the baby maker. Fortunately for Gary, there was a lifeguard on duty.
Not only does Free Beacon favorite Chrissy Teigen dispense valuable cultural commentary, she can also perfrom CPR.
One picks up survival skills posing in water for eight hours during a photo shoot.

Gary can be thankful that Chrissy is accustomed to emergencies, such as the time when she was surprised by a cascade of Skittles.
She handles herself much better around water.

Chrissy's grace under fire is yet another reason she puts the super in supermodel.