Of all the pseudo-celebrities who have slutted it up for Vivid Entertainment—Kim Kardashian, Mindy McCready, "Toastee," etc.—hands down the worst is Teen Mom Porn Star, Farrah Abrams. As I noted in these digital pages a few months ago, the fame-hungry moron received fair and just criticism for her absurd plan to film a pornographic video with a known pornographer and then "leak" it to the press like it was some sort of spontaneous, accidental thing.
But there's a new contender for the crown of Grossest Vivid Girl: Sydney Leathers.
You'll remember Ms. Leathers as the delightful and classy young lass who leaked the latest round of explicit text messages from disgraced former representative Anthony Weiner and then capitalized on her fame by signing a deal with Vivid to be paid to have sex on camera.
Gross as that is, Teen Mom Porn Star would normally still take the cake: She's dumb as a post, a bad role model who should be shamed so others do not follow in her footsteps, and, oh yes, the mother of a small child who doesn't stand a chance.
But last night Ms. Leathers made a strong push to steal the crown right off of Teen Mom Porn Star's empty, surgically reconstructed head. First she was spotted outside the Weiner campaign headquarters holding a crudely made sign begging people to pay money to watch her have sex:
Sydney Leathers, outside Weiner HQ, is "not at all" worried that she will disappear with his candidacy. pic.twitter.com/Di4BvNdBbg
— Jason Horowitz (@jasondhorowitz) September 10, 2013
Then she squeezed into this ridiculous dress:

and held court outside the absurdly depressing Weiner victory party. She also spent the evening taunting Weiner on Twitter and bragging about her fake breasts:
I have more balls than @anthonyweiner will ever have. Mine just happen to be on my chest. #youareapussy #growapair #youare49 #Iam23
— Sydney Leathers (@sydneyelainexo) September 11, 2013
before, finally, chasing Weiner through a McDonald's.
On the one hand, I'm fine with shaming Anthony Weiner because if more politicians had to endure this sort of sordid behavior from sociopaths who attempt to break up marriages and have sex for money on camera, then we would probably have fewer scumbag politicians. Or, at the least, more cautious scumbag politicians.
On the other hand, of course, we have the death of the republic and all that jazz. That this despicable, foul woman commands the attention of the media on the night that the mayoralty of the largest city in the nation will be decided speaks reams about where we stand as a society. And yes, I'm well aware of the irony of focusing attention on her after decrying the attention focused on her. We are each of us murdering the United States one awful blog post at a time.
It's a battle for the ages, folks: we've got a moronic mother in one corner, and a publicity grubbing harlot killing the soul of America in the other. Who is the Grossest Vivid Girl?