Since 2012’s tire fire, the Republican Party has made a concerted effort to appeal to Hispanic voters. It wouldn't hurt if Republicans actually took the time to, you know, learn Spanish.
May I direct GOP activists to Venezuelan fitness guru Michelle Lewin? She's a certified Rosetta Stone on Twitter, tweeting bilingually in English and Spanish. By the way, she's hot.
Let me tell you a secret: -There are no "the easy way" Mi secreto es: -No hay atajos
— Michelle Lewin (@Michelle_Lewin) August 2, 2014
You can find Michelle, like the paparazzi did yesterday, at your local Miami pool.

Trust me, you can't miss her.

Republicans need to show the same dedication to minority outreach that Michelle shows with maintaining her physique. She has logged countless hours in the gym, working out up to four days a week using High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT, as anyone who has met me can tell you, is the key to keeping the body honed and sleek.

Even if she can't make it to the gym, Michelle still finds time to exercise. Here she is speaking to
I just love to sweat like a maniac. So what ever I feel like: Stair Master, Rollerblading around South Beach Miami or Spinning classes. I keep the intensity high and make sure that I am always pushing my hardest.
That's a work ethic everyone should adopt. Another tenet of Michelle's: proper hydration.

I especially liked this tweet:
Lingerie shoot with @CutroneRich #Unedited #NoPhotoshop Sesion de fotos con @CutroneRich #NoPhotoshop
— Michelle Lewin (@Michelle_Lewin) August 2, 2014
You learn something new every day.