One of the things I've really enjoyed about writing movie reviews for y'all—aside from being told on the reg how wrong I am, naturally—is having the ability to commission the occasional piece of art to illustrate the pieces. It's always nice to have something original (as opposed to a production still or a screenshot from a trailer) at the top of these reviews.
The guy who does these illustrations for us is Jeff Victor, and he's publishing his second collection of pieces in the summer. His work bears a pleasantly cartoony hallmark; think of him as a caricaturist of nerd culture, kinda. Check out his Kickstarter here; looks like he's fully funded and he's hit his stretch goals. I myself am in at the $50 tier.
I asked Jeff if any of the work he'd done for the Free Beacon would be included; he said there were a couple of pieces. So if you dig what he's done for us—a few samples of which I've included below—make sure to pitch in for the Kickstarter. You won't be disappointed.
The evolution of the Terminator, from my Terminator: Genisys review:

From my review of The Force Awakens:

From my review of Inherent Vice, which doubled as an overview of Paul Thomas Anderson's body of work:

I love this Jaws homage used to illustrate my Jurassic World review:

Anyway, like I said: if you like this sort of thing, you'll love Jeff's book. Check out his Kickstarter! Buy a copy! You won't regret it.