Humanoid Robot is The Instrument Of Our Demise (Video)

July 12, 2013

Finally, a taxpayer-funded program I can stand behind. And this project can stand on its own just fine. It can walk, run, and jump, too. It’s also more than six feet tall and weighs more than 300 pounds.

The progenitor to Skynet—Boston Dynamics—designed ATLAS for the DARPA Robotics Challenge. As CNET reports, the DRC eventually will pit seven finalist teams with their own spin on ATLAS to partake in disaster response challenges. The winner receives $2 million. I knew I should have done better in physics class in high school.

Let’s toss out the fact that ATLAS may be the instrument that causes our demise as a species. I’m not even afraid of ATLAS could very well pummel me to death. I’m impressed. Pardon my French, but ATLAS is Bad Ass.

Developing humanoid robots to aid disaster responders also sounds like the altruistic sequel to Comedy Central’s classic "Battlebots."

Published under: Video