Americans value physical strength along with strong principles.
That’s most likely why Texas Land Commissioner candidate George P. Bush competed in a Tough Mudder this weekend.
George P. learned the value of physical exercise from the 12 combined years his grandfather and uncle spent in the White House. But just about anyone can do a Tough Mudder.
A dedication to physical fitness says a lot more about leadership than words ever can.

Taking point on the U.S./Chinese bike ride is a winning foreign policy.

Forty-three invested in sweat equity. That's the sign of a true leader.

J.J. Watt, a captain for the Houston Texans, recognizes the importance of physical fitness. That's why he greeted WWII hero George H.W. and American hero George W. at the game yesterday.
Great men combine ruggedness with sensitivity. For example.

Is there anything George W. Bush cannot do?