Yesterday’s Boston Marathon was a shining example of America's indomitable will and "never say die" attitude. Not only was it cathartic, it was also the first time since Ronald Reagan was president that an American won the whole thing. Murica.
Thousands finish the 26.2 mile crucible in various states of mental, physical, and emotional disrepair. For instance, one poor soul didn’t crush enough electrolytes and had to be carried across Boylston Street. If being shouldered across the finish line is on one end of the spectrum, this finish is on the opposite:
That’s Caitlin Egan, who finished yesterday's course in a blazing 3:38:12.
Caitlin has participated in three previous Boston Marathons.
Her inaugural marathon was the 2011 race where she finished a respectable 4:17:59. Here she is chucking up the double deuces.

In 2012, she improved to an impressive 4:05:37. While this image isn't from the 2012 Marathon per se, in it Caitlin nonetheless demonstrates just how popular booty-popping was at the time.

Caitlin finished last year's fateful race at 3:28:41, more than 30 minutes before the bombings occurred.

Whether she's crossing marathon finish lines or town and gowning in, Caitlin keeps up with modern trends.

She's also privy to the modern costume, hailing Easter a month early as the Playboy Easter Bunny.

As legendary runner Steve Prefontaine has said, "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
Caitlin does not make that mistake.