Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon Editors

Biden Injects a Dose of Confusion Into the COVID Debate

The president has yet to clarify what victory over the pandemic looks like

September 10, 2021

Feigning Support for Stranded Allies

The "Squad" makes a demand for which there is only a military solution 

Afghan Quincy

Responsible Statecraft Gets Its Moment

The restraint crowd delivers America's humiliation in Afghanistan

They're All Socialists Now

Biden's $3.5 trillion budget was written by a socialist—and it shows

The Biden Administration’s COVID Double Standard

Tourists must now provide proof of vaccination. Illegal immigrants get a free pass.

BDS & Jerry’s

The woke ice cream company veers into anti-Semitism

Democrats Find a Filibuster They Can Get Behind

The Texas Democrats didn’t accomplish their mission, but they managed to expose the party’s glaring hypocrisy

Ilhan Omar Knows What She's Doing

The Democratic congresswoman says she has always been somebody who 'understands how words can be harmful and hurtful to people.' We believe her.