Free Beacon
Stephen Gutowski
Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.
Obama Says Buying a Gun Easier Than Buying a Book
Comments part of President's star studded fundraising tour of Los Angeles
October 13, 2015
Houston Man Shoots Pair Trying to Rob Him
One robber lost his life, the other is in the hospital
October 12, 2015
September Sees Record Gun Sales
Some see Democrats’ calls for executive action to restrict guns as cause
October 7, 2015
All the Things Hillary Clinton Got Wrong in Her Gun Speech
Analysis: Clinton made 6 inaccurate or misleading statements
October 7, 2015
New York Times Mistates Federal Gun Law, Hillary Gun Record
Gun shows enjoy no special carve-out under federal law
October 5, 2015
Hillary Clinton Leaves Out Supreme Court Critique in Latest Gun Comments
Previously said 'Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment' at private fundraiser
October 2, 2015
Hero Veteran Attempted to Block, Tackle Oregon Shooter
Chris Mintz alive after interviening, being shot 7 times
October 2, 2015