Free Beacon Santi Ruiz

Santi Ruiz is a staff reporter covering science and tech policy. He graduated from the University of Chicago, where he studied political science. His Twitter handle is @rSanti97 and his email is

Amazon Pulls Bestseller on Transgender Issues From Store Without Explanation

Amazon steps up censorship campaign against conservative content

February 23, 2021

Lincoln Project’s Tweets of Private DMs Not a Violation, Twitter Says

‘I did not give consent’ insists cofounder critical of anti-Trump group

February 12, 2021

State-Level Republicans Push Back on Big Tech

DeSantis plan fines companies for removing candidates during election cycle

February 10, 2021
NY Times

Tech Community Turns Against the New York Times

BlockNYT app bars 800 Times reporters from Twitter feed

February 9, 2021

Facebook Oversight Board Member Joins Biden DOJ

Pam Karlan joins growing list of former FB employees in new administration

February 6, 2021
Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) and Josh Hawley (R., Mo.)

Senate Interest in Big Tech Regulation Grows on Both Sides

Klobuchar antitrust proposal and Hawley ban on mergers up ante for social media companies

February 4, 2021
Financial Markets Wall Street

Day Traders Face Massive Pushback From Social Media, Investment Platforms

Discord shuts down server used by WallStreetBets, citing hate speech

January 28, 2021