Free Beacon David Rutz

David Rutz is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a sports reporter for two years in Atlanta and has done freelance sports reporting for the Washington Post. He graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2010 and lives in Marietta, Ga. His Twitter handle is @DavidRutz. He can be reached at

Gillibrand: Democracy Dollars 'Democratize Democracy'

Only 3.3 percent of voucher recipients participated in similar program in Seattle in 2017

May 2, 2019

MSNBC Host on Venezuela: Because of Russia, It's 'Not Clear Which Side We're On' (It Is Clear)

As she speaks, graphic appears showing Pence telling opposition 'we are with you'

May 1, 2019

Sanders Accuses CNN Host of Using Republican Talking Point Against Medicare for All

Sanders pledges 'overwhelming majority' of Americans will pay less for health care under Medicare for All

April 30, 2019