Free Beacon David Rutz

David Rutz is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a sports reporter for two years in Atlanta and has done freelance sports reporting for the Washington Post. He graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2010 and lives in Marietta, Ga. His Twitter handle is @DavidRutz. He can be reached at

Fracking Ban Proposed By 2020 Dems Would Kill Millions of Jobs

Fracking has put U.S. on path to energy independence, lowering carbon emissions

September 26, 2019

Warren Flustered by Hypothetical Ethics Question on Hunter Biden

(Updated) Can't say whether potential VP's son could work for a foreign company

September 25, 2019

Jackson Lee: AR-15s Weigh as Much as 10 Moving Boxes

Texas congresswoman bungles multiple facts about popular rifle

September 23, 2019

Weld: Trump Committed 'Treason'

'The only penalty for treason is death'

September 23, 2019

In Memoriam: Bill De Blasio's 2020 Campaign

First socialist in Dem field ends campaign; Bernie survives

September 20, 2019

Pogrebin: 'Not Our Determination' Whether Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached

Authors of new book wrote allegations against Kavanaugh 'rang true' to them

September 19, 2019