Free Beacon Nic Rowan

Nic Rowan is media analyst at the Washington Free Beacon. His work has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, First Things, and The New Criterion. Follow him on Twitter @NicXTempore.

De Blasio Event Attracts Fifteen People

Mayor continues to draw small crowds

August 12, 2019

Survey: Most Taiwanese Oppose Chinese Rule

Overwhelming majority support democracy in Taiwan

August 6, 2019

Biden: Assault Weapons 'Should Be Illegal, Period'

Dems' 2020 frontrunner promises to 'institute a national buyback program'

August 5, 2019

CNN to Host Second Gun Control Town Hall After Shootings

Network hosted similar town hall after Parkland shooting

August 5, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez Chief of Staff Leaving Her Office

Saikat Chakrabarti often attacked moderate Dems

August 2, 2019

Biden: Economy 'Collapsing' Because of Trump

Unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years

August 1, 2019

MSNBC Political Analyst: Dems Going After Obama Is 'Disturbing'

Booker, de Blasio called out Biden for Obama record

August 1, 2019

Kelly (D) Earns Millions As Corporate Speaker

Dem Senate candidate swore off Corporate PAC donations

July 31, 2019